What have people published about Peer Instruction in Computing? Here are some things we think you might find useful or interesting, updated periodically with the latest findings:
A Multi-institutional Study of Peer Instruction in Introductory Computing
Leo Porter, Dennis Bouvier, Quintin Cutts, Scott Grissom, Cynthia Lee, Robert McCartney, Daniel Zingaro, Beth Simon.
SIGCSE 2016, March 2016.
Tracking Student Learning from Class to Exam using Isomorphic Questions
Daniel Zingaro, Leo Porter
ITiCSE ’14, June 2014.
Impact of Student Achievement Goals on CS1 Outcomes
Daniel Zingaro, Leo Porter
SIGCSE ’15, March 2015.
New CS1 Pedagogies and Curriculum, the Same Success Factors?
Christine Alvarado, Cynthia Lee, and Gary Gillespie.
SIGCSE 2014, March 2014.
Peer Instruction in Computing: The Value of Instructor Intervention
Daniel Zingaro and Leo Porter.
Computers and Education (C&E) 71, 87-96, February, 2014.
Can Peer Instruction be Effective in Upper-division Computer Science Courses?
Cynthia Lee, Saturnino Garcia, and Leo Porter.
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE), August, 2013.
Student Experience in a Student-Centered Peer Instruction Classroom
Beth Simon, Sarah Esper, Leo Porter, and Quintin Cutts.
ICER 2013
Peer Instruction in Computer Science at Small Liberal Arts Colleges
Leo Porter, Saturnino Garcia, John Glick, Andrew Matusiewicz, Cynthia Taylor.
ITiCSE 2013
Halving Fail Rates Using Peer Instruction: A Study of Four Computer Science Courses
Leo Porter, Cynthia Bailey Lee, Beth Simon.
How We Teach Impacts Student Learning: Peer Instruction vs. Lecture in CS0
Jaime Spacco, Beth Simon, Julian Parris.
Retaining 18-30% more Majors with a Trio of Instructional Best Practices in CS1
Leo Porter, Beth Simon.
Experience Report: CS1 in MATLAB for Non-Majors, with Media Computation and Peer Instruction
Cynthia Bailey Lee.
Peer Instruction in Computing: the Role of Reading Quizzes
Daniel Zingaro, Cynthia Bailey Lee, Leo Porter.
Experience report: a multi-classroom report on the value of peer instruction
Leo Porter, Cynthia Bailey Lee, Beth Simon, Quintin Cutts, Daniel Zingaro
In the 16th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June, 2011.
Experience Report: Peer Instruction in Introductory Computing
Beth Simon, Michael Kohanfars, Jeff Lee, Karen Tamayo, Quintin Cutts. In Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium, March 2010.
Peer instruction: do students really learn from peer discussion in computing?
Leo Porter, Cynthia Bailey Lee, Beth Simon, Daniel Zingaro
In Seventh International Computing Education Research Workshop, August, 2011.
How to implement a peer instruction-designed CS Principles course
Beth Simon, Quintin Cutts
ACM Inroads Magazine Vol 3(2) pp 72-74, 2012.